Napoleon Hill's Twelve Great Riches of Life
1. Positive mental attitude
2. Sound physical help
3. Harmony in Human Relationships
4. Freedom from fear
5. The hope of achievement
6. The capacity for faith
7. A willingness to share one's blessings
8. A labor of love
9. An open mind on all subjects
10. Self discipline
11. The capacity to understand people
12. Financial security
(Note that the finanical part come the last. As it is basically a reflection of what a person has
The Following are the short summary of the 17 Principle of Success:-
17 Principles of Success:-
1. Develop Definiteness of Purpose
(When one has thoughtfully defined his personal goal(s) in life, then he can be focusing his
energy in pursuing them. He can then create the environment and circumstances to achieve what
he want rather than simply drift along with the environment aimlessly or simply accept what
others have to offer him.)
2. Establih a Mastermind Alliance
(Outstanding success in life had never been achieved by the effort of one man. The Master
Mind effort is to get those of like mind, form an alliance, to work actively in a spirit of
perfect harmony towards accomplishing of a definite purpose.)
3. Use Applied Faith
(Goal that's worth achieving always accompany with great challenges, and temporary defeats
along the journey is almost certain. Faith is the "rocket fuel" of human endeavor. Applied Faith
is the ability to hold on to the Positive Mental Attitude in mind when the going is tough.)
4. Going The Extra Mile
(Make it a habit to contribute more than expected, with no expectation for immediate reward. It
insures an increase in personal courage, self-reliance, personal initiative and it builds greater
enthusiasm. Sooner or later, the law of compensation will bring its greater rewards.)
5. Assemble A Pleasing Personality
(No man is an island. Before one can sell any product or service to others, he has to sell himself
first. One should put in the effort in doing self-analysis and improve in this area.)
6. Create Personal Initiative
(When one has a definite goal in mind and has the burning desire to achieve it, then opportunities
for personal initiative are easy to find. )
7. Build A Positive Mental Attitude
(Positive Mental Attitude is the cornerstone for success. The mind is the only thing one can
control. In order to achieve the definite purpose of life, one must exercise that control and direct
it by using Positive Mental Attitude.)
8. Enforce Self-Discipline
(Self-Discipline is the first rule of all success leadership. It is the training which corrects, molds,
strengthens, and perfects. When one gets himself under complete control, he then can be his
own boss, and it makes discipline from the outside unnecessary. )
9. Control Your Enthusiasm
(Enthusiasm is an emotion, the physical counterpart to one's idea. It starts the wheels of the
imagination to turning. It is a feeling of confidence and harmony in working towards the definite
goal. A man lack of Enthusiasm is like an automobile without gas. )
10. Control Your Concentration or Attention
(Where concentration goes, energy flows. Controlled Attention is the act of focusing the mind
on a given desire until ways and means for its realization have been worked out and successfully
put into operation. Success comes after much concentration.)
11. Think Accurately
(The ability to differentiate facts from opinions, and the ability to focus on important facts enable
one to make effective decisions in achieving success.)
12. Learn from Adversity and Defeat
(Adversity is part of life, and every adversity carries within it the seed of an equivalent or greater
benefit. A man's attitude in time of adversity determines much of its eternal effect on his life -
for good or ill. All success is based on the experience learn from defeats. No one has failed until
he accepts the defeats as failure.)
13. Cooperation
(Cooperation is the beginning of all organized effort. True cooperation has no room for
selfishness or greed. All achievement is the form of significant and successful cooperation and
teamwork between individuals.)
14. Cultivate Creative Vision or Imagination
(Creative Vision or Imagination is a demonstration of the use of subconscious mind to tap into
the wisdom of the infinite intelligence in getting breakthrough solution for any challenge. And,
one way to communicate with the subconscious mind is to repetitively thinking for the solution
with the burning desire. Especially, the time just before going to sleep, and the time just wake
up from the bed [while the brain is still at Alpha state.])
15. Maintain Sound Health
(Various habits affect heal:-
. Mental Attitude affect health and it is something that one can control. Good thinking and
feeling good generates harmony within one body and generates physical manifestations
or order and system.
. Eating habit affect health. (No over eating, don't eat rapidly, no soft drinks, no candy bar
or snack between meals, take more water, more fruits and balance of food.)
. Exercise/Meditation/Fasting.... Etc.
16. Budget Your Time and Money
(In our "spaceship earth", there is certain amount of natural resources. Same as individual, one
has limited time and money; therefore there is a need to have a system to spend them well.)
17. Use Cosmic "Habitforce".
Cosmic "Habitforce" is so obvious and can be overlooked easily. The power is always there
regardless if you aware of it or not. They are the physical laws which make our patterns of
natural behavior operate in predictable order and regularity. Blending the natural laws of the
universe with our own activities helps create the power, that force, that energy which bring
harmony, peace of mind, success.
"Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve." - Napoleon Hill.
Bless You
KH Tang
(Note:This is just a note taken from study the Napoleon Hill's books and Audio CDs)
Watch the Video of Napoleon Hill here:-